Keeping your HVAC system in top shape is critical, especially with Texas weather. If you haven't scheduled a maintenance check for your air conditioner fort worth, now is the time. Regular inspections ensure that your HVAC equipment runs efficiently all year long. With Hawk Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning’s air conditioning service fort worth, we’ll make sure your systems stay energy-efficient and reliable.
Our maintenance service includes a detailed bi-annual checkup to prevent any major issues. We inspect and fine-tune your system, ensuring it operates safely and efficiently.
Spring Check:
Fall Check:
Regular maintenance ensures that your system is well-prepared for the seasons ahead.
1. Check freon operating pressures
2. Lubricate all moving parts
3. Check condenser coils
4. Check evaporator coil
5. Check voltage to motors
6. Check all electrical connections
7. Check belts and adjust tension
8. Check air temperature drop
9. Change/Clean customer supplied air filters
10. Check thermostat operations
11. Check condensate drain
12. Clean area around condenser
1. Check and clean burners
2. Check burners for efficiency
3. Check pilot assembly
4. Check all safety “limit’ controls
5. Lubricate all moving parts
6. Check belts and adjust tension
7. Check flue venting system
8. Change/Clean customer supplied air filters
9. Check thermostat operations
10. Check electrical connections
11. Check humidifier operation
12. Clean area around furnace